Thursday, May 19, 2011

I come from a family of cooks.

Growing up I was surrounded by cooks.  Every family gathering was based around food, holidays meant that the small kitchen in my childhood home was filled with people cooking and laughing.

Everyone around me cooked.  I spent summers sitting in Grandma's kitchen watching her prepare elaborate meals for the family, every dish made with love and care.  Every Saturday, Dad woke up and made delicious whole wheat pancakes.  My siblings and I took turns preparing dishes for the family, and making messes in the kitchen experimenting with apple sauce recipes.

Imagine my surprise when I began college and discovered that many of my classmates could do nothing more complicated in the kitchen than open a can of soup or microwave a burrito.

Potluck after potluck friends asked for my recipes.  Some things I made, such as the Joe-Joes in my first post, were simple dishes I learned as a very young child.

Now that I have graduated, I have decided to share some of my recipes.  Most are nothing fancy, simple meals, fun side dishes, and my forays into the world of finer cuisine.

Welcome to Dinner!

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